Peer Reviewed Publications

Dr. Gorgens has been a thought leader for decades in the field of brain health and injury with more than $7m in research funding and dozens of peer-reviewed articles to her credit.

Gorgens, K., Meyer, L., Kantor, C., Lyman, H., Knauer, R.., Levy, M., and Marchi, C. (Under review). Gender Differences and Criminal Justice: Comorbidities and Criminal History of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury. Feminist Criminology.  

Ahlers, L., Gorgens, K., Lehto, M. & Dettmer, J. (Under review). Six-month post-release outcomes for inmates with traumatic brain injury in supported community programming. Brain Injury.

Chassman, S., Sasser, G., Chaparro Rucobo, S., Calhoun, K., Barman-Adhikari, A., Bacon, B., Gorgens, K., et al. (2023). Substance Use and Housing Stability among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness and a Traumatic Brain Injury: The Role of Social Support. Psychoactives, 2(2), 144–161. 

Chassman, S., Bacon, B.. Chaparro Rucobo, S., Sasser, G., Calhoun, K., Goodwin, E., Gorgens, K. & Brisson, D. (2023) The Impact of COVID-19 on Access to Resources among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness and Traumatic Brain Injury. Trauma Care 2023, 3, 24-36.

Chassman, S., Calhoun, K., Bacon, B., Chaparro Rucobo, S., Goodwin, E., Gorgens, K., & Brisson, D. (2022). Correlates of Acquiring a Traumatic Brain Injury Before Experiencing Homelessness: An Exploratory Study. Social Sciences, 11, p. 376.

Gorgens, K. & Nadkarni, L. (2022). Aging: What we all have in common. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 53 (5).

Tackett, M. J., Gorgens, K., Miller, M. A., & Lyman, K. H. (2022). Understanding the rehabilitation psychology specialty career pathway. Rehabilitation Psychology, 67(1), 1–8  

Grossberg, A., Betcher, B. M., Gorgens, K., & Ledreux, A. (In press). Curiosity-Based Interventions Increase Everyday Functioning Score but not serum BDNF levels in a Cohort of Healthy Older Adults. Frontiers in Aging, Interventions in Aging.

Gorgens, K., Meyer, L., Dettmer, J., Standeven, M., Marchi, C., Goodwin, E., & Lyman, H. (2021). Traumatic Brain Injury in Community Corrections: Prevalence, Comorbidities, and Long-Term Outcomes. Criminal Justice and Behavior

Ledreux, A., Pryhoda, M., Gorgens, K., Shelburne, K., Linseman, D., Duval, N., Fleming, H., Koza, L., Campbell, J., Wolff, A., Kelly, J., Margittai, M., Davidson, & Granholm, A.C. (2020). Assessment of Long-Term Effects of Sports-Related Concussions: Biological Mechanisms and Exosomal Biomarkers. Frontiers in Neurocience.

Pryhoda, M., Shelburne, K., Gorgens, K., Ledreux, A., Granholm, A., & Davidson, B. (2020). Center of pressure velocity shows impairments in NCAA Division I athletes six months post-concussion during standing balance. Journal of Sport Sciences.

Mason, S., Davidson, B., Meyer, L., Lehto, M., Granholm, L., Ledreux., A. & Gorgens, K. (2020). A retrospective cohort study of the temporal stability of ImPACT among NCAA Division I collegiate athletes: A multi-method analysis. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.

Owen, J., Henderson-Metzger, L., Gorgens, K., & Nadkarni, L. (2019). MA Training in Psychology. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, Vol 13(2), p. 100-105.

Goetzl, E.J., Elahi, F.M., Mustapic, M., Kapogiannis, D., Pryhoda, M., Gilmore, A., Gorgens, K.A., Davidson, B., Granholm-Bentley, A.C., & Ledreaux, A. (2019). Traumatic Brain Injury Increases Plasma Astrocyte-Derived Exosome Levels of Neurotoxic Complement Proteins. The FASEB Journal, Dec 25:DOI:10.1096/fj.201902842R.

Goetzl, E.J., Elahi, F.M., Mustapic, M., Kapogiannis, D., Pryhoda, M., Gilmore, A., Gorgens, K.A., Davidson, B., Granholm-Bentley, A.C., & Ledreaux, A. (2019). Altered levels of plasma neuron-derived exosomes and their cargo proteins characterize acute and chronic mild traumatic brain injury. The FASEB Journal. Jan 3:fj201802319R. 

Glover, N., Gorgens, K., Meyer, L., Dettmer, J. & Lehto, M. (2018). Sensitivity and Specificity of the Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method (OSU-TBI-ID) to Neuropsychological Impairment. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 46(6). 

Wall, K. C., Gorgens, K., Dettmer, J., Davis, T. M., & Gafford, J. (2018). Violence related traumatic brain injury in justice-involved women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 45(10), p.1588-1605.

Gorgens, K., Nagele, D., Dettmer, J. & Hooper, S. (2017). The Under-identification of Brain Injuries and the Relationship with Juvenile (and Eventually Adult) Criminal Justice Involvement. Brain Injury Professional, 14(3), p. 24-26.

Vincent, A., Bailey, C., Cowan, C., Cox-Fuenzalida, E., Dyche, J., Gorgens, K. & Young, L. (2016).  Normative Data for Evaluating Mild Traumatic Brain Injury with a Handheld Neurocognitive Assessment Tool.  Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 24(6), p. 566-576.

Gur, R.M., Camaione, T., Meyer. L., McMillan, B., Gorgens, K.A., Dettmer, J., & Gowensmith, N. (2016). Justice-involved Individuals and Traumatic Brain Injury Project: Initial Program Evaluation. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 30(5), p. 758-759.

Sobesky, M. & Gorgens, K. (2016).  Marijuana and adolescents: Exploring the Substance Treatment provider Experience in a Climate of Legalization. International Journal of Drug Policy, 33, p. 66-74.

Heidinger, B., Gorgens, K., & Morgenstern, J. (2015).  The Effects of Sexual Sensation Seeking and Alcohol Use on Risky Sexual Behavior Among Men Who Have Sex with Men.  AIDS and Behavior, 19, p. 431-439.

Davis, T., Gorgens, K., Shriberg, J., Godleski, M. & Meyer, L. (2014).  Making meaning in a burn peer support group: Qualitative analysis of attendee interviews.  Journal of Burn Care andResearch, 35(5), p. 416-425.

Gilbert, R. & Gorgens, K. (2011).  Relationship Maintenance in Couples with a Partner Who Has Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.  Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 23(2), p. 10.

Seawell, D.B., Krohn, N., Gorgens, K.A. & Erickson Cornish, J. A. (2009).  Geography and internship match rates: Quantifying competitiveness and discussing implications for the internship imbalance.  Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 3(3), p. 127-134.

Cornish, J.E., Gorgens, K.A. & Monson, S. P. (2008).  Perspectives on ethical practice with people who have disabilities. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39(5), p. 488-497.

invited Publications

Saternos, H., Trautman, C. W., Gilmore, A., Davidson, B.,  Gorgens, K. & Ledreux, A. (In press). Fluid biomarkers in sports-related mild traumatic brain injuries: Current status and novel trends in Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications. Biomarkers in Trauma, Injury and Critical Care. Rajkumar Rajendram, Vinood B. Patel and Victor R. Preedy (Eds). Springer.

Gorgens, K. & Pontius, M. (2021). Suffering in Practice: Getting the Help You Need (Part 2). ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K. & Pontius, M. (2021). Suffering in Practice: Reaching Out to Colleagues in Need. ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K. & Martin, D. (2021) Catch me if I fall: Preventing Fear of Falling in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K. & Pontius, M. (2021). The Biggest Elephant in the Room: Addressing Suicide Risk. ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K. & Pontius, M. (2021). Teenage Zebras: Looking for Adolescent Depression in the Midst of Adaptive Teenage Angst. ModernMedicine/MMH network. 

Gorgens, K. & Baumgarnter, M. (2021). Food is Mood. ModernMedicine/MMH network. 

Gorgens, K. & Golub, N. (2021). “Give it 60 seconds” Encouraging physical movement. ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K. & Pontius, M. (2021). “Nothing Up My Sleeve” Encouraging Patients to Use Mindfulness Exercises. ModernMedicine/MMH network. 

Gorgens, K. & Pontius, M. (2021). Caring for Caregivers. ModernMedicine/MMH network

Gorgens, K. & Port, M. (2021). Haunted by the Past: Adverse Childhood Experiences and RA. ModernMedicine/MMH network 

Gorgens, K. (2021). The Secret to Quality Doctor-Patient Relationships. ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K. & Barnes, S. (2021). Canaries and coal mines: Identifying and responding to cognitive impairment in rheumatology practice.  ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K. (2020). Long-Term Quarantine Sanity: A How-to. ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K. & Brassette, A. (2020). Talk Health not Weight. ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K. & Brassette, A. (2020). The Rheumatic Disease Patient With Mental Illness. ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K. & Port, M. (2020). Goldilocks: Promoting Collaborative Decision-Making. ModernMedicine/MMH network. 

Gorgens, K., Meyer, L., & Dettmer, J. (2020). Reducing Recidivism for Justice-Involved Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (Report No. 19-05A). Denver, CO: Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab at the University of Denver.

Gorgens, K. & Port, M. (2020). Assessing and Responding to Domestic Violence. ModernMedicine/MMH Network.

Gorgens, K. & Port, M. (2020). Important patient conversations: Managing Anxiety on Isolation. ModernMedicine/MMH network.

Gorgens, K., & Barnes, S. (2020). Women in STEM. Physician’s Practice.

DePrince, A. & Gorgens, K. (2020). Recognizing Traumatic Brain Injury among Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) Clinician’s Corner.

Gorgens, K. & Barnes, S. (2020). The Perfect Grant Writing Team Roster. APA Division 29

Gorgens, K. (2019). 10 Grant-writing tips for novice grant-writers from the desk of the most reluctant of all grant-writers. Psychotherapy Bulletin.

Gorgens, K. (2019) Awkward but important patient conversations: Problematic drug and alcohol use. ModernMedicine/MMH network. 

Gorgens, K., & Goodwin, E. (2019). Can you cure a psychopath? (Carol Patrick & Janett Naylor-Tincknel, Eds.). Scientific Writing for Psychology. Kendall Hunt Publishing: Dubuque, IA. 

DePrince, A. & Gorgens, K. (2019). The Invisible Victims of Traumatic Brain Injury. Scientific American, November 13, 2019.

Gorgens, K. (2019). Teach them to fish: Addressing the sexual health needs of patients and practice culture. Contemporary OB/GYN.

Gorgens, K. (2019). Teach them to fish: Addressing the sexual health needs of patients and practice culture. Rheumatology Network.

Gorgens, K. (2018). Structured clinical interview for DSM-5 (SCI-5). In B. Caplan, J. DeLuca & J.S. Kreutzer (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2nd Edition.  New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Gorgens, K. (2018). Clinical interview. In B. Caplan, J. DeLuca & J.S. Kreutzer (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Springer Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-56782-2_2021-2

Eddy, T., Gorgens, K., Meyer, L., Dettmer, J. and Gowensmith, N. (2015).  Traumatic Brain Injury and traumatic history. The Colorado Psychologist, XLIII (6), p. 6-7.

Gorgens, K. (2014). A Brain and a babymaker walk into a bar….APA Disability Office 2014 Newsletter.

Gorgens, K. (2013). Two Mental Health Red Flags That Could Save Someone's Life. Huffington Post, 1/25/13.

Gorgens, K. (2010). Clinical interview. In B. Caplan, J. DeLuca & J.S. Kreutzer (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology.  New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Gorgens, K. (2010). Structured clinical interview for DSM-IV (SCID). In B. Caplan, J. DeLuca & J.S. Kreutzer (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Gorgens, K.A. (2009).  Schizophrenia.  Encyclopedia of American Disability History (Burch, Susan, Ed.). 3 vols. New York: Facts on File, 2009.

Gorgens, K.A. (2009).  Judi Chamberlin.  Encyclopedia of American Disability History (Burch, Susan, Ed.). 3 vols. New York: Facts on File, 2009.

Gorgens, K.A. (2008, March 26). Teaching neuropsychologists how to fish [Review of the book Ethical Decision Making in Clinical Neuropsychology]. PsyCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology:  APA Review of Books.  

Gorgens, K.A. (2007). The 6 letter 4 letter word: Normal. Synergy, April, p. 10.

Gorgens, K.A. (2006). Don’t leave home without it [Review of the book Measuring Health:  A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires].  PsyCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books.  

Gorgens, K.A. (2006). A tool to fix what ails you:  Applying the biopsychosocial therapy approach to the chronically ill [Review of the book Psychological treatment of chronic illness:  The biopsychosocial approach]. PsyCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books.

Gorgens, K.A. (2004).  More than just a pretty picture: The evolving field of neuroimaging [Review of the book Essentials of neuroimaging for clinical practice]. 

doctoral student research

Exploring the Experiences of Pediatric Cancer Patients, Including Those with Brain Tumors, in the Youth and Pet Survivor Program (Kieran)

The prevalence of self-reported traumatic brain injury history in adult sex offenders compared to the general population (Garmo)

The abnormal minds of violent offenders: A research review (Kruml)

Amino acid therapies for a psychopathic population (Garmo)

Bibliotherapy for children in families coping with mental illness (Dalske)

Exploring the experience of participants in a pediatric oncology-canine pen-pal program (YAPS): Program participation as a vehicle for well-being (Nielsen)

Preventing violence among patients recovering from traumatic brain injury: A response curriculum for medical and support staff (Smith)

A program designed to reduce institutional elder abuse and increase CNA satisfaction (Polo-Henston)

Long-term organ transplantation: A look at the long term lived experience of liver recipients (Thomas)

Outpatient treatment for methamphetamine abusing adolescents: A proposed program curriculum (Meylink)

Ethical Pitfalls in Graduate School: Application of the APA Ethics Code and the Literature to Address and Remedy a Violation by a Psychology Graduate Student (Tindall)

A study on the effect of educational level on support for the death penalty (Shasteen)

Youth and Pet Survivors (YAPS©): Suggestions for evaluating quality of life among pediatric oncology patients (Kieran)

Quality of life among gay, lesbian and bisexual populations (Markheim)

Adapting multi-lingual assessment measures for use during an emergent health crisis: A review of the suitability of the ITC guidelines for test use (Kruml)

Hair length of females in determinations of guilt, punishment and attractiveness (Bergman)

The evaluation of CASASTART, a delinquency prevention program: Measuring the effectiveness of CASASTART at three months post treatment (Teichmann)

Quality of life for Hispanic/Latino woman with spinal cord injury: Applicability and revision of an existing model to include spirituality/religion (Rea)

Preventing sexual assault perpetration: A Training program for college and high school men (Brewer)

Justice and respect for persons with disabilities: Survey and report of accessibility among Denver area mental health clinics (Holman)

Geography and Internship Match Rates: Quantifying Competitiveness and Discussing Implications for the Internship Imbalance (Seawell)

Relationship between T Scores of Clinical Scales 1, 2, 3, 7 & 8 of the MMPI-2 and Total Errors Score of the Booklet Category Test among a Litigating Head Injured Population (Gallinati)

Predicting Aggression in TBI: Exploring the Utility of the PAI (Leach)

Availability of Resources for Impaired Trainees: Review of Literature and a Comparative Study of Current Practices in Two Graduate Training Programs (Tindall)

Walking a Mile: An Experiential Empathy Rejuvenation Curriculum for Medical Providers (Monson)

Effects of Mild Physiological Arousal on Cognitive Screening: Examining Return-to-Play Protocol for Athletic-Related Concussions (Broadhurst)

Relationship Maintenance in Couples with a Partner Who Has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Gilbert)

Comorbidity of Major Depressive Disorder and Somatization Disorder: Base rates in an outpatient psychiatric sample (Sethna)

The Role of Hope in Rehabilitation and Long-term Outcomes among patients with Comorbid Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries (Jurich-Finney)

Making Eye Contact: A photographic study of people with disfiguring facial injuries (Ginsberg)

A comparison of Colorado’s Capitated Medicaid and BI Waiver policies to other states: An analysis of the provision of mental health services to Medicaid-eligible persons with a traumatic brain injury and co-morbid mental illness (Plasterer)

The Influence of Attention on Effort in a Pediatric Sample (Dinkins)

The Utility of the CVLT-C in the Detection of Suboptimal Effort in Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Hargrave)

Confirming the Association Between Affective Disturbance and Perceived Cognitive Dysfunction among Breast Cancer Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Available Literature (Garrett)

Examining Experiences of Support: Making Meaning in A Burn Survivor Support Group (Davis).

Recovery from Pediatric Brain Injury: A Preliminary Comparison of Longitudinal Data on Psychological Symptomology and Mental Health Treatment (Emich)

Self-Injurious Behavior and its Relationship to Eating Disorder Symptom Severity (Thomas)

Sexual Sensation Seeking, Problem Drinking, and Risky Sexual Behavior among Men Who Have Sex with Men (Heidinger)

Road Map to Recovery: Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Returning to Driving after MVA-related TBI (Wolfsohn)

Marijuana and Adolescents: Exploring the Substance Treatment Provider Experience in a Climate of Marijuana Legalization (Sobesky)

Sensitivity and Specificity of the OSU-TBI-ID Method to Neuropsychological Impairment (Glover)

Do Early Social Impairments Predict Suboptimal Long-Term Rehabilitation Outcomes? A Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Data and Statistical Center Study (Han)

Gender Differences in Mechanisms of Traumatic Brain Injury in a Corrections Population (Cassaday-Wall)

Rates of Embedded Effort Test Performance among Hospitalized Patients with Schizophrenia and other Psychiatric Disorders (Yeo)

Examining the Effectiveness of Case Management in a Population of Justice-Involved Persons with a Traumatic Brain Injury History (Ahlers)

Understanding Changes in Estimated Gross Cognitive Functioning and Disability Functioning in the Year Following TBI for Individuals with a History of Special Education (Weinberg)

The Impact of Negative Affect and Positive Self-perception on Acquired Capability for Suicide in the Veteran Population (Fajardo)

A Retrospective Cohort Study of the Temporal Stability of ImPACT among NCAA Division I Collegiate Athletes (Mason)

Exploring Sex and Contact Sport Differences in Baseline ImPACT Post-Concussion Symptom Scale Scores Among Collegiate Athletes Without a History of Concussion (Mackenzie)

Self-Reported Sleep Disturbance among Justice-Involved Persons with TBI (Turecká)

Continuity of Soul Care: Facilitating Patient Transitions from Long-Term Rehabilitation Settings into Communities of Faith (Hoffman)

The Effects of Childhood Exposure to Violence on Neurocognitive Performance in Adult Offenders with Pediatric Brain Injury: A Comparative Study using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) (Yunker)

Best Practice Guidelines for Supervising Probationers with Traumatic Brain Injury (Standeven)

Reducing Stigma and Increasing Competence: A Curriculum for Graduate Students Working with Patients Experiencing Psychosis (Davis)